*Wel-Come To CSIT *

Department of Computer Toppers Students Winter-2018  Click Here

Department of Civil Toppers Students Winter-2018  Click Here

Department of Electronics Toppers Students Winter-2018  Click Here

Kabaddi Winner IDESSA Zone-I  Click Here

C. S. Institute of Technology organized to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti

Admission Facilitation Center(4254) Has Been Started For Polytechnic At CSIT Premises

C. S. I. T. is organizing " Career Guidance Program for 10th & 12th dated on 31st December,2018 Click Here

Industrial Visit of CE Second Year and Third Year will be held on 9th October at “Water Treatment Plant” Navegaon/Bandh

Industrial Visit of CO/EX Final Year will be held on 2nd February at “Power Station,” Chichgadh & “BSNL Office” Deori




Department of Physics

Mr. S. M. Chute

M.Sc. (Physics)
Lecturer, Department of Science & Humanities,    C.S.I.T. Deori

The basic sicence (Physics) are the foundation pillers of any Engineering stream. The scienc department has been existence right from the commencement 2009-10. The subject is tought to all first years students in first, second semester The MSBTE has introduced "G" scheme under three years (Full Time), Semester pattern courses since 2012. The science department has spacious laboratory spread over the area of about 90.50 Sq.m.. The laboratory is adequately equipped with relevent instruments to firsthand experience to the students. The students are provided a comprehensive practical exposure to the various instrumental techniques required to improve their compentency. The Syllabus provided and integreated and unifield approach towards various branches of Physics  it's applications to Engineering Field. The teaching learning atctivities are balanced with number of other related atctivities which include expert lectures, Guest Lectures, also seminars are arrenged for studetns are better understandings.

Major Equipment :
1) Travelling Microscope.
2) Stoke's Tube.
3) Photo Diode.
4) Bunsen Photometer.
5) Bar Pendulum.
Key Strengths
1) Well Established Laboratory.
2) Qualified And Well Trained Faculty.
3) Motivated & Disciplined Staff.
4) Cordial Interpersonal Relations.