Erletronics Engineering is a leadind department in the field of Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering & Instrumention Engineering in term of producing quality engineers & researches. Electronics Engineering develops student to be sepritive to societes enviromental issues while conducting their professional work. Electronics engineers build strong fundamental knowledge amongst students to persue higher education and continue professional development in electronics and other field. Department of Electronics Engineering was established in 2009. Intake capacity of our department is 60. The department has quality of student input, highly qualified faculty members, projector facilities, well equipped computing facility, student internship and wi-fi connectivity. Electronics department has modern equipment (CPO, power supply, DSO, signal / function generator, trainer kits etc.) Also in department regular conduction of workshop, FDPs, guest lectures, seminars and industrial visits for students, staff and faculty members. The department has qualified and dedicated faculty members with specialization in various areas. Miss. V. G. Diwane is the Head of Department with 4 well qualified faculty members. |